Brookside Preschool have dedicated Physical Development Champions who are working with Stockport Early Years to improve Physical activity in children.
What is a Physical Development Champion?
Physical Development Champions are specially chosen people who can advocate for the importance of Physical Development/Physical Activity for children in the early years (from birth to 5 years).
A person specifically tasked with promoting and advocating for Physical Activity/Physical Development for young children (from birth – 5 years). This helps us to meet EYFS requirements for Physical Development and support the Government’s Child Obesity Plan
To improve Physical Activity in Early Years Settings and to get children more active
Some activities we do to support physical activity:
Dough Disco – this helps to develop fine motor skills which are important in helping children with writing
Tummy time – this helps to build and tone core muscles
Mindfulness movement – builds muscle strength and improves flexibility as well as supporting health and mental wellbeing