● Sometimes a child may take time to settle
● We usually find that children settle easier and quicker once the parent has left as we can distract them with a fun activity or a book they enjoy
● They could also bring in a comforter e.g. a teddy, doll or cuddly to help with settling
● Please make sure that mobile phones are switched on during the settling in period
● When collecting your child, we ask you to be on time, as being the last to be collected can be upsetting and unsettling to a child in a new environment

● We use paint and glue on a daily basis - please don’t send them in their best!
● Brookside Preschool encourages independence, please ensure children are wearing clothes easy to put on and take off
● All clothing, coats, bags, shoes, lunch boxes and water bottles need to be named
● Preschool encourages children to attend wearing uniform - Polo Shirts and Fleeces are available to purchase
● Wellingtons for outdoor play
● Indoor shoes or slippers are required during the winter months.

● If your child is unwell and won’t be attending preschool, we kindly ask if you could contact us by phone before 9am on the first day of illness.
● If your child has been sick or has an upset tummy, please allow 48 hours clear before returning to preschool (see sickness policy)
● Please let us know any planned holidays so that we can make a note of reason for absence
● So our sessions can start and the learning can begin we ask that once your child is settled that you leave the building promptly